Interdistrict Transfers
HUSD Board of Trustees approved revisions to Board Policy/Administrative Regulations 5117 Interdistrict Attendance allowing for a limited number of interdistrict transfers into HUSD based on class size. If you are still interested in having your child attend HUSD schools, please contact the Superintendent's office at 707-431-3488 to inquire if there is space available.
- Healdsburg Unified School District accepts NEW and RENEWAL Interdistrict transfers for the upcoming school year.
- All IDT agreements must be approved by their home district prior to submitting to HUSD
- All IDT’s for the upcoming year are due on the last business day of April.
- Class size is determined for the upcoming school year and capped
- HUSD reviews incoming IDT’s and determines if public Lottery is needed
- If a Lottery is needed HUSD publicizes at least two weeks prior to date of Lottery
- HUSD holds public Lottery
- All IDT requests turned in after May 1st will be considered on a case by case basis.
- HUSD will notify parents/guardians of the final decision on the request as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the IDT is sought.
- Parents/Guardians with approved HUSD IDT’s must complete registration documents and submit them to the school office by the last day of school in June.
The Board of Trustees believes that children should attend schools where they live and supports the concept of neighborhood schools. In addition, the Board shall consider requests for interdistrict attendance as prescribed by the Education Code of the State of California. Interdistrict transfers will not be denied for arbitrary or discriminatory reason, on the basis or race, ethnicity, sex, parental income, or scholastic achievement, except as expressly set forth herein.
The Board of Trustees recognizes that parents/guardians of students who reside within the geographic boundaries of one district may, for a variety of reasons, desire to enroll their children in a school in another district.
Pupils Requesting Interdistrict Transfer Into Healdsburg Unified School District
As a Community Funded District, the Healdsburg Unified School District does not receive additional funds from the State to support students who transfer into the district. As a result, every student who attends the district through an interdistrict attendance agreement may reduce the per pupil funding.
However, the Board desires to maintain a vibrant school community with diverse program options for our students. Therefore, subject to the priority requirements set forth in Education Code sections 46600 et seq. and Administrative Regulation 5117, the district will approve interdistrict attendance agreements into the district only under certain circumstances unique to the child concerned, and when the criteria specified in this policy have been satisfied. The Board intends to allow for transfers into the District as long as it does not result in diminished supports and services for the students residing in District boundaries. Criteria for transferring in include:
- The district finds the transfer is in the best interests of the child and the district.
- The applicant has appropriately agreed to and signed an Interdistrict Attendance Contract as described in Administrative Regulation 5117.
- The transfer may be denied due to limited district resources, overcrowding of school facilities at the relevant grade level or in a particular program or other considerations that are not arbitrary. The Superintendent shall annually set the class size capacity for interdistrict transfers prior to the transfer application deadline as further set forth in Administrative Regulation 5117.
- Once a student is admitted, the district may not deny him/her continued attendance during the term of the Interdistrict Attendance Contract because of overcrowding.
In the case of an interdistrict transfer, it is the responsibility of parents to provide transportation. However, the District will provide transportation assistance in cases that are consistent with Education Code 46600 (Education Code 46600)
Pupils Requesting Interdistrict Transfer Out of School District
Students residing within the district may seek to attend a school outside the district by:
- Requesting permission from the district to attend another district.
- Obtaining permission from the district to which the student wishes to transfer.
Pursuant to the terms of the Interdistrict Attendance Contract, all interdistrict transfers are approved for one year only, and are subject to renewal or revocation at district discretion. The Superintendent is authorized to grant or deny interdistrict transfers out of the Healdsburg Unified School District. A parent/guardian may appeal a denial of an interdistrict attendance permit to the Sonoma County Board of Education pursuant to the process set forth under Administrative Regulation 5117. An appeal must be filed within 30 calendar days after the interdistrict attendance permit is denied.
- Students requesting a transfer out of the Healdsburg Unified School District shall file a written application on the form provided by the district. This form must be submitted to the Healdsburg district office.
- Students requesting a transfer into the district shall file a written application with their district of residence. Said district of residence will forward the application to the district for approval before release is granted.
- Requests for transfers out of, or transfers into, the district must include a statement clearly explaining the reason for the request.
- Parents/guardians will be notified of the Superintendent’s decision within 30 days per Education Code 46601. If the transfer request is denied, the parent/guardian shall receive notice regarding the process of appeal to the Superintendent or designee and thereafter, to the Sonoma County Board of Education.