Emergency Plan
Student safety is our top priority. The District works actively to improve our responsiveness in the event of a possible emergency including ensuring the safety of our students and prompt communication with parents.
If a school emergency occurs, parents have several ways to obtain information about the situation and the status of their children.
- Obtain information via the District’s web page at www.husd.com
- E-mail information will be sent to those families who use e-mail for communication with the District.
- Phone calls will be made to families if possible.
- Parents may call their child’s school directly. Please understand that many parents may be calling at the same time and delays may occur.
We ask all families to follow these guidelines in times of emergency:
- Please do not drive to school. We must allow for access for emergency vehicles. We know that parents are anxious about the safety of their children and want to be with their children as soon as possible, but if large numbers of parents rush to the school site simultaneously, it may interfere with ability of the appropriate agencies to provide the necessary emergency response.
- Turn to local radio and TV stations for information on what to do and where to respond in order to pick up your child. The school must know the whereabouts of each and every child including those who are picked up by their families or other adults listed on the child’s emergency card. Please work with your school administration in following directions and procedures so that your children can be reunited with your family in a safe, orderly and prompt manner.
- KSRO AM 1350
- KZST FM 101.1
- KBBF FM 89.1 (Español)
- KCBS AM 740
Emergency Preparation
Throughout the year, your child will be practicing emergency procedures, including evacuation drills. Our training goal is to provide the most efficient, prompt and safe procedures for students and staff in responding to all emergency situations.
In preparation for appropriate emergency responses, all classrooms have detailed written emergency procedures. Every classroom is also equipped with an emergency "red bag", which contains essential supplies to assist both teacher and students during an emergency situation. The District's first priority is to keep all of its students safe in any emergency situation. We believe that through education, training, practice and experience, we can achieve our goal of a safe, appropriate and prompt response to any emergency situation.
Comprehensive School Safety Plan
Healdsburg Unified School District has a districtwide comprehensive safety plan that is applicable to each school site. The Safety Plan is reviewed and updated each year by March 1 and forwarded to the Board for approval. (Education Code 32281, 32286, 32288)
DThe complete Comprehensive School Safety Plan is available to be viewed at the
Healdsburg Unified School District Office, located at 1028 Prince Street, Healdsburg, California 95448.
Healdsburg Unified School District Office, located at 1028 Prince Street, Healdsburg, California 95448.